Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

Mid Term Revision

Francisca Suharyani

Drawn on film animation : a technique where footage is produced by creating the images directly on film stock , for example by Norman mcLaren , Len Lye and Stan Brakhage.
-          Correction : drawn on film animation is a technique where footage is produced by creating the images directly on film stock , for example by Norman mcLaren , Len Lye and Stan Brakhage.
-          This sentence is nominal sentence
-          The pattern of the text is simple present tense

                                S+ to be + o + adv

-          Passive construction:
A technique where the footage is produced by creating the images directly on film stock is called drawn on film animation , for example by Norman mcLaren, Len Lye and Stan Brakhage.
-          Translation: menggambar dalam film animasi adalah teknik dimana footage diproduksi dengan membuat gambar secara langsung pada persediaan film contohnya oleh Norman mcLaren , Len Lye dan Stan Brakhage.

-          The reason : because the  autor  tells the meaning of drawn a film animation

Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images of 2-D or 3-D artwork or model positions to create an illusion of movement.
-          Correction : this sentence is not containing poor grammar.
-          This sentence is nominal sentence.
-          The pattern : Simple present tense.

S+ to be + o + adv

-          Passive construction:
The rapid display of a sequence of images 2-D or 3-D artwork or model positions to create an illusion of movement is called Animation.

-          Translation : Animasi adalah aliran tampilan dari sebuah rangkaian gambar karya seni  2-D atau 3-D atau posisi model untuk membuat ilusi gerakan.

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